torch award - blue

El Paso, Texas




Brother Adrian

Brother Adrian1

Brother Adrian Benedict (William Pfarr)

Brother Adrian Benedict, known as William Pfarr at birth, died in 1981 Denver, Colorado, after a lengthy battle with leukemia five weeks short of age 53. He was born in Denver on November 27, 1928, and entered the junior novitiate at Sacred Training College in Las Vegas, New Mexico, in 1942. He received the brother’s garb in the novitiate at De La Salle in Lafayette, Louisiana, on August 14, 1945. He was sent back to Las Vegas in 1946 to begin his college studies in the scholasticate there and then to Santa Fe, New Mexico, in 1947 to continue them when the scholasticate was moved to the newly-opened four-year degree program at St. Michael’s College. He was assigned to teach at Hanson Memorial High School in Franklin, Louisiana, in 1948, St. Michael’s High School in Santa Fe, New Mexico, in 1951, and De La Salle High School in New Orleans, Louisiana, 1956-1959. He was then appointed an administrator—assistant principal and community subdirector at St. Paul’s High School in Covington,

Louisiana, 1959-1962, and community director and school principal at Mullen High School, 1962-1968. There he continued the recently-begun planning and construction of the school’s complex of modern buildings. He then spent two years in Santa Fe, one each in the scholasticate and St. Michael’s High School. In 1970 he was sent to Cathedral High School in El Paso, Texas, where he taught two years and then was community director and school principal four years. Symptoms of leukemia required a decrease in activity, and he became school bookkeeper. In 1980 he was attacked by a lung infection, hospitalized, and returned to Denver, where he died a few months later. [Source: New Orleans-Santa Fe District, 2014, Christian Brothers and affiliates in the South and Southwest since 1851 who died in April, see]

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